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Data Management and Result Interpretation

Control Card A

Control for the ID-Cards DiaClon Rh-Subgroups + Cw + K and DiaClon Anti-Cʷ


Remote Result Management Software

DiaClon ABO/D + Reverse Grouping for Donors

ID-Cards containing monoclonal anti-A, anti-B and anti-D within the gel matrix

Banjo ID-Reader

Single ID-Card Reader

DiaClon ABD-Confirmation for Donors

ID-Card for the ABO/RhD blood group control of donors

DiaClon Rh + K Pheno II

ID-Card for complete profiling of the Rh phenotype including K-typing

IH-500 System

Fully Automated System for ID-Cards

DiaClon ABD-Confirmation for Patients

ID-Card for the ABO/RhD blood group control of patients

DiaClon Rh-Subgroups + Cʷ + K

Complete profiling of the Rh phenotype, including Cʷ and K-typing, in one easy procedure

Saxo ID-Reader II

Centrifuge and Reader for ID-Cards

DiaClon ABO/Rh for Donors

Complete donor test profile for forward typing of ABO plus RhD and CDE in a single test procedure

DiaClon Rh-Subgroups + K

ID-Card for complete profiling of the Rh phenotype, including K-typing

Swing TwinSampler II

Automatic Pipettor for ID-Cards

DiaClon ABO/Rh for Newborns DVI-

ID-Card with monoclonal anti-D selected so as to not react with DVI variants

Anti-A₁ Absorbed

Reagent Anti-A₁ Absorbed agglutinates A₁ cells but reacts negatively or only weakly with A₂ cells

ID-Incubator L

Latest incubator developed by Bio-Rad which can be used with both ID-Cards and tubes

DiaClon ABO/Rh for Newborns DVI+

ABO/Rh for newborns DVI+ using monoclonal antisera. The anti-D used will not react with all examples of Dweak

DiaClon Anti-H

ID-Card with 6 microtubes containing anti-H, monoclonal, within the gel matrix

DiaCent-CW Cell Wash Centrifuge

Fully automatic cell wash centrifuge for 24 tubes