Dedication to Growth
Bio-Rad, as a pioneering company in the immunohematology diagnostics field, has mastered product support, training, and scientific education. With our Transfusion Science Webinars, we connect international experts in transfusion sciences to our immunohematology (IH) community by providing educational content on various immunohematology topics.
Over the years, we have built a repository of resources and training to complement our instruments, reagents, and immunohematology products. In partnering with Transfusion News and Wiley Publishing we help you stay current in the field of Transfusion Science.
Transfusion Science Webinars

Throughout the years, Bio-Rad has offered educational webinars on various immunohematology topics. In these Transfusion Science Webinars, we provide our IH community with the opportunity to connect with experts in transfusion sciences.
Stay tuned for our latest webinar and register to participate. Or watch our previous webinars available on demand.