DiaClon Rh-Subgroups + K
Short description
ID-Card for complete profiling of the Rh phenotype, including K-typing
This ID-Card offers a complete profiling of the Rh phenotype including K-typing. Besides the RhD antigen, other important antigens of the Rh system are: C, E, c and e. According to Issit, their frequencies in the Caucasian population are as follows: C: 70% / c: 80% / E: 30% / e: 98% Approximately 9% of the Caucasian population are K positive. The K antigen is strongly immunogenic. Anti-K has been reported as the cause of hemolytic transfusion reactions, both immediate and delayed, and hemolytic disease of the newborn.

Product (CE Name)
DiaClon Rh-Subgroups + K
C, c, E, e, K, ctl
Cell lines
C: MS-24
c: MS-33
E: MS-260
e: MS-16, MS-21, MS-63
K: MS-56
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