Short description
Expanded screening containing a set of 6 vials for IAT and enzyme test I, II, III, IV, V, VI
Main features
- Security: Delivery every 4 weeks, overlap in shelf life between 2 deliveries
- Safety: Detection of significant antibodies relevant for patients
- Flexibility: Available in different test configurations for manual use and automated systems
- Possible to order the native (untreated) and papainised separately or combined, depending on your needs
- Compliant with guidelines*
*(Please refer to local/national guidelines.)
Expanded six-cell screening
- All the features of 3-cell screening
- PLUS two papain-treated cells
- PLUS one cell Kp(a+)
- PLUS one cell Lu(a+)

Product (CE Name)
45070, 45200, 45210
Set of 6 vials for IAT and enzyme test I, II, III, IV, V, VI (R₁ʷR₁, R2R2, rr,Kpᵃ/R₁ʷR₁, R₂R₂ papainized)
Set of 4 vials for IAT, I, II, III, IV (R₁ʷR₁, R₂R₂, rr, Kpᵃ)
Set of 2 vials for enzyme test V, VI (R₁ʷR₁, R₂R₂ papainized)