ID-Antigen Profile III
Short description
ID-Antigen Profile card contains neutral gel and gel with polyspecific anti-human globulin (AHG) Test sera are added after red cell suspension
Transfusions are made with ABO and RhD and compatible blood. In certain cases, Rh phenotypes and K status are also taken into account. Other blood group antigens are generally not considered. However, when a clinically significant antibody is present, appropriate antigen-negative blood should be used. For such cases, the rapid availability of fully typed donor blood is of great advantage. The ID-System facilitates complete antigen profiling. In ID-Cards ID-Antigen Profile III, the first 2 microtubes contain neutral gel and the last 4 contain gel with polyspecific anti-human globulin (AHG). The corresponding antibodies (ID-test sera, specially adapted for the ID-System) are added after the red cell suspension (in ID-Diluent 2).

ID-Antigen Profile III
50390, 45460
ID-Card: M, N, S, s, Fyᵃ, Fyᵇ, Test sera ID-M, N, S, s, Fyᵃ, Fyᵇ
M: LM110/140 (LM-1)
N: 1422 C7 S/s/Fyᵃ/Fyᵇ human antibodies
Catalog # (REF) | Description | Type of product |
008701 | ID-Card: M, N, S, s, Fyᵃ, Fyᵇ (Id-n°: 50390) 12 profiles, 1 x 12 | Reagents |
008712 | Test sera ID-M, N, S, s, Fyᵃ, Fyᵇ (Id-n°: 45460) 90 profiles, 6 x 5 ml* | Reagents |
* Ideal for automation | ||
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