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Extended Phenotyping

You are viewing 13 out of 33 results

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Test of Antigen Fyᵃ and Fyᵇ, ID-Card Fyᵃ /Fyᵇ, Test Serum ID-Anti-Fyᵃ /Fyᵇ

Testing products for antigen Fyᵃ/Fyᵇ



ID-Card for determination of Luᵇ

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Test of Antigen Fyᵃ, ID-Card Fyᵃ, Test Serum ID-Anti-Fyᵃ

Testing products for antigen Fyᵃ

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Control Card A

Control for the ID-Cards DiaClon Rh-Subgroups + Cʷ + K and DiaClon Anti-Cʷ

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Test of Antigen Fyᵇ, ID-Card Fyᵇ, Test Serum ID-Anti-Fyᵇ

Testing products for antigen Fyᵇ

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DiaClon Anti-Cʷ

Human antisera ID-Card for low-frequency Cʷ (Rh8) antigen

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DiaClon Anti-Jkᵃ/Jkᵇ

ID-Card for determination of antigen Jkᵃ/Jkᵇ

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DiaClon Anti-Jkᵃ

ID-Card for determination of antigen Jkᵃ

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ID-Antigen Profile I

ID-Antigen Profile card require only the addition of the red cell suspension in ID-Diluent 1

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ID-Antigen Profile II

ID-Antigen Profile card require only the addition of the red cell suspension in ID-Diluent 1


DiaClon Antigen Profile I

The DiaClon Antigen Profile Gel Card is a preformulated monoclonal gel card simply requiring the addition of the red cell suspension (in ID-Diluent 1).


DiaClon Anti-Lua

The DiaClon Anti-Lua Gel Card is a preformulated monoclonal gel card simply requiring the addition of the red cell suspension (in ID-Diluent 1).​


DiaClon Anti-Lub

The DiaClon Anti-Lub Gel Card is a preformulated monoclonal gel card simply requiring the addition of the red cell suspension (in ID-Diluent 1).