DiaClon ABO/Rh for Donors
Complete donor test profile for forward typing of ABO plus RhD and CDE in a single test procedure
The DiaClon ABO/Rh ID-Card for donors offers a complete test profile for forward typing of ABO plus RhD and CDE in a single test procedure. The monoclonal anti-D used has been selected so as to react with DVI variants. Donor bloods should be tested with anti-D that does detect DVI and assigned RhD positive status, to avoid the unit being transfused to an RhD negative or partial-D patient.
Product (CE Name)
DiaClon ABO/Rh for Donors
A, B, AB, DVI+, CDE, ctl
Cell lines
A: A5, B: G1/2
AB: ES131 (ES-15), Birma-1, ES-4
D: ESD-1M, 175-2
CDE: MS-24, MS-26, MS-201, MS-80
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