Test of Antigen Fyᵃ and Fyᵇ, ID-Card Fyᵃ /Fyᵇ, Test Serum ID-Anti-Fyᵃ /Fyᵇ
Short description
Testing products for antigen Fyᵃ/Fyᵇ
Bio-Rad provides testing products for Antigen Fyᵃ and Fyᵇ. Both Duffy antigens are fully developed at birth. Fyᵃ frequently causes immunisation while Fyᵇ is rarely the cause of immunisation. Anti-Fyᵃ and anti-Fyᵇ are practically always of immune origin. They both cause haemolytic transfusion reactions and can, although not frequently, cause haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN).
ID-Card Fyᵃ/Fyᵇ (Id-n°: 51270):
- Configuration: Fyᵃ, Fyᵇ, ctl/Fyᵃ, Fyᵇ, ctl
Test serum ID-Anti-Fyᵃ/Fyᵇ (Id-n°: 46180):
- Human, 2 x 1.4 ml, 28 tests
Test serum ID-Anti-Fyᵃ (Id-n°: 09210):
- Human, 1 x 5.0 ml, 90 tests (ideal for automation)
Test serum ID-Anti-Fyᵇ (Id-n°: 09310):
- Human, 1 x 5.0 ml, 90 tests (ideal for automation)

ID-Card Fyᵃ/Fyᵇ, ID-Anti-Fyᵃ/Fyᵇ
51270, 46180, 09210, 09310
ID-Card Fyᵃ/Fyᵇ: Fyᵃ, Fyᵇ, ctl/Fyᵃ, Fyᵇ, ct / Test serum ID-Anti-Fyᵃ/Fyᵇ / Test serum ID-Anti-Fyᵃ / Test serum ID-Anti-Fyᵇ
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